Join the waiting list (for free)

(It’s down below )

By joining the waiting list…

You will automatically get access to extra information that others can’t see (Level 1)

  • Trimarans – more information on the range
  • Technologies – more information about the exciting products & solutions

Then optionally you can select Level 2 Access

You can ask us at any time (or not) to open even more content areas that are focussed to any (or all) of
  • the Trimarans
  • The sailing technologies
  • The Composite Materials which are not generally available
  • the VARTM-Lite Composite Technologies
  • the community we’re building  – (you will be able to select one, or many areas of interest here also)
  • – composite forums
  • -trimaran forums
  • -forums for other exciting enabling technology connections, discussions and knowledge-sharing
We’ll tell you a little more about what they are & the timeline of when they’re coming to market (some are available very soon – some potentially 2026-27. We’ll give you first access to the community & discussion forums where you can meet like-minded people in Sailing & composites.  It is also where we’ll first release teasers and highlights of what is happening behind the scenes as well as news & updates on how various projects and materials are progressing through development, prototyping Q.A. & destruction testing. Level 2 is enough to open the Trimaran Store & the Technology Store if you want to wait for the products & solutions once they are market ready.

(Optionally) Receive the first invitations to participate in unique tests & trials (Level 3)

If you want to participate in material, product, process & technology development, We’ll use your activity within the community to guide us on who to choose.
  • You can be among the first to hear of our developments in sailing technologies & automation
  • You can be among the first go sailing on a revolutionary new range of boats
  • You can be the first to get your hands on composite materials which are as exciting as they are effective
  • You can be involved in secret trials of our VARTM technologies prior to mass-market release
Whichever side interests you more, you will be taking part in the early stages of a company that will be delivering some great changes in two great markets & communities
  • The world of performance sailing & technology – faster, cheaper, safer
  • Composite technologies – faster, cheaper, better
At a time when the U.K. does so many things badly, won’t it be great to be taking part in something that others say …

“Yeah, those guys in the U.K. really launched something great that

changed the way we do things now”

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